Meghan Trainor's website is quite similar to Jessie J's website in terms of content and navigation. She has a banner at the top with her name, her social media sites and the different pages' tab. The tabs include music, events, videos, news, social, bio, photos and store. It work on the same concept of having an website that can link the audience and artist together with unique photos, videos that are not available elsewhere along with the focus of boosting her sales as high as possible with the use of cross-media marketing.
The colour scheme of her website is bright with pastel colours which also match with her music videos style. The choice of colour is good because pop songs are meant to be very upbeat and colourful to allow the feeling of happiness to show. It also suits her star image of a cheerful, fun artist. I think this is a good inspirational website for my song which is also working with a similar theme.
One of the interesting things about her website is that as you scroll, the images changes to a different one just like Katy Perry's website making it very fascinating visually.
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