For the casing of my album, I would like to create something can could hold everything together like a an album case/box.
I like the cut outs of this casing and I think I could use this on my design by cutting out the artist's name so the font from the album cover shows. This will add texture as you touch it and create something different that will stand out from the other album covers.
As there are some graphics and graffiti incorporated in our video therefore I thought I could do the same to the album casing by using illustration or doodling. Ideally this could be done with colour to make it more like Pop but if the cover is already very colourful then I think it will be best to stick with less colour and more black and whites.
Like the first idea, this can be a cut out to give texture and have the album cover peek through but this time it will be the face of the artist that will show through instead her name.
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