Music Video Analysis - Part of Me by Katy Perry

This music video by Katy Perry is narrative-based and shows how she changed throughout using the meaning of the song as a link. Her appearance started out to be very feminine and girly but as soon as she was cheated on she completely changed her style to a tom boy, marine hero. 

There are not many performance scenes; she sings while carrying out the activities she is in during the narrative which shows a sense of reality. The performance don't start until three quarter way through the video which can mean she is slowly recovering from the heart break and is not comfortable enough to show her feelings. The atmosphere around her during the singing is also very serious therefore emphasizes that she is not joking around and how a heart break can make someone much stronger. 

Throughout the whole music video, the director has chosen to use high key lighting which suggests what she is doing is the right thing and will create a brighter future for her. However, there are some dark scenes near the end and may connote the dark times of her such as the cheating of her boyfriend that was shown at the beginning but these scenes are very short and snappy which could signify that it is only a very small part of her and will fade over time. 

The editing for this music video is very simple because it is a narrative therefore they have used a lot of still shots, although the camera do move more often than a normal film to make it flow better with the song. The editing techniques are something you would see in a film, for example a match on action like when she places her necklace down on the table. There is some editing to the beat such as when she was cutting her hair in the toilet, every cut was in time with the beat of the music so it makes it smoother. They also use scenes that match the lyrics like at the beginning of the song there was a shot of her driving away in her car when it said "days like this I want to drive away" making the relationship between the song and her even tighter.

This is inspirational because I can use a similar technique for the narrative bits in our music video and the way how she sings during her activities.  

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